Thursday, 20 September 2012

mother fucking wind-ups

Like the title says:

I can't wait for extra pack my wallet is going to die though ;_;

Monday, 17 September 2012

I suck at making deck ideas....

So back to the Athena thing yesterday I recently remembered some combo which used 3 Athena and 1 Darklord Superbia to deal massive amounts of burn damage (7200 to be exact) which should kill anyone who has even used Venus's effect to make a Gantetsu. Plus you haven't attacked yet when this combo finishes and will have a full field of monsters to go for game.

Here are the steps:

Requirements: 1 Darklord Superbia, 3 Athena, and any other fairy in the graveyard also some form of revival method for Superbia.

Opponent is at 8000 life

1) Summon Superbia from the grave
2) Superbias effect summons Athena 1 from the grave
3) Athena 1 effect tribute Superbia and then summon the same Superbia.
4) Superbias effect summons Athena 2. (Athena 1 burns the opponent 1200 because you summoned Superbia and Athena 2. Opponents life is at 6800)
5) Athena 2 effect tribute Superbia summon Superbia again.
6) Superbia summons Athena 3. (Opponent loses 1200 first from the summoning of Superbia and then another 1200 from the summoning of Athena 3 via the effects of Athena 1 and 2. Opponents life is at 4400)
7) Athena 3 effect tribute Superbia summon Superbia for the final time.
8) Superbia summons any fairy from the grave (Opponent now loses 1800 life points from the summoning of Superbia and another 1800 from the special summoning of the other fairy via the effects of all 3 Athenas. Opponents life is now at 800.)

End result 1 Superbia, 3 Athena, and 1 other fairy on your field with your opponent at 800 lifepoints.

Of course there are many other combos you could pull off with Superbia this is just my favorite one however my current problem is summoning the Superbia and getting all the cards in my grave for it easily.

Any ideas?

The answers most likely obvious but I suck at this stuff :V

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Just fell in love with a card

I remembered a strange idea recently, though I forget where I got it from and how the combo works if  I can figure it out I might play the deck at a lolcals if I can get all the cards for it. It involves a lot of shenanigans and this card one of my new favorites.

Yes Athena I am not joking this card is bullshit lol.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Asia format changes ....

All I have to say ...



Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Dueling Network

Here I am trying to get some practice for asia and all I get are decks that are not in our meta, people who don't know their rulings, and hands with all the useless mermails in the world. :V

Dueling Network why does your RNG hate me so ;_;

Monday, 10 September 2012

Prophecy aka the deck with a crap ton of search power.


"Spellbook of Life"

Prophecy is a Spellcaster archetype which emphasizes on its spell cards known as spellbooks and wins with the control and advantage created by them. I'm sure by now most of you know the basic cards of the archetype as they seem to be popular from what I have faced on Dueling Network but this post is a look into some of the more cool tricks I believe the deck can do.

Hanged Man of Prophecy


When this card is sent to the graveyard add one level 3 Prophecy monster to your hand.

A card that has been released in Abyss Rising, Hanged Man of Prophecy gives the archetype some good search power for one of its key monsters Temperance of Prophecy. Note the card says sent to the graveyard only it never says from field to grave so this means you could play some mill based oriented build to send prophecy monsters to your grave and doing shenanigans with them. What I prefer though is comboing this card with Wonder Wand and getting a +1 off the effect of Hanged Man of Prophecy.

Another one of my favorite tricks is using Strength of Prophecy to keep recycling my Prophecy cards and slowly gain attack to apply pressure to my opponent. While this may seem basic this can be further taken advantage of using Summoner Monk which can allow you to discard those currently useless Spellbooks to summon a monster from your deck the only real choice being Strength for now and using Strength to recycle the Spellbook than making an exceed to apply pressure with.

My current main problem with the deck though is that it lacks good monsters to apply pressure with aside from Strength of Prophecy and the High Priestess of Prophecy which is extremely troublesome to summon unless you use Temperance of Prophecy. However I feel like agents this problem can be solved with a mill and revival engine. Running cards such as Lyla and Card Trooper the deck could mill cards and summon them back with Call of the Haunted and Spellbook of Life. 

In conclusion for now Spellbooks have the ability to search extremely well but are not part of the meta as of now due to their lack of power. The deck doesn't have the first turn Laggia, Archlord Kristya, or Magician + Shark jank that allows it to instantly win the game or make the game an impossible scenario for your opponent to recover from. However I believe with more power some of the tricks I have listed above could prove to be useful in the Prophecy deck in the future.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Overseas Trip

So yeah I went overseas to see relatives and stuff and settle life stuff. Not much time to play card games last week or this week but I'll see what I can do. I got to play some yugioh in California though with an old friend of mine I was visiting and got to test against TCG and soon to be OCG windups.

My friend wasn't using hunter because he wanted to test out whether removing hunter and adding cards such as duality and such while making it impossible for you to do the hand loop gives you much more consistency. He was maining maxx c over veiler too seeing as he was more worried about mirror and agents lol.

I dont remember much about the games but we went quite even against each other my agents vs his windups with most of the wins I got were just me dropping kristya (lol), he tended to perform lockdown setups using shock master to get easy wins. More often than not when one player got a small advantage in our matches it tended to spiral out of control with no way to recover.

Aside from windup vs agent mirrors I got some cards I was looking for to foil up my agent deck but was disappointed in the fact that I couldn't find the hobby league cyclones and ultra rare mind control I wanted to find.

Thanks for reading!

Sorry for the lack of editing I'm too tired right now to capitalize properly and such :V

I fucking hate shock master....